What Class Are You Susan?

Today is the first episode of What Class Are You, a periodic series I make for Vermont Public.

This series started as an experiment a few years ago. I wanted to have conversations with people about the terrible cultural divides that keep growing in our country, without ending up in boring conversations about politics…so I drove around asking strangers ‘what class are you’, which is a kind of stupid and offensive question, but it turns out people have a lot to say…about money, education, opportunity…power.

The very first shows I made about class I already ran on Rumble Strip as a single show…you can find it on my website….but these next episodes in the series I’ll run one at a time, every couple days, for a few weeks.

We’re going to start the series with my old friend Susan Randall, the private investigator I interview a lot for Rumble Strip. She talks about what it was like to grow up upper-middle class. 

Thank you to Vermont Public for allowing me to run this series on Rumble Strip


What Class Are You Isaac?


Makeup for Special Occasion Redux